On my last birthday, I turned 37 (ahem), and I was totally down in the dumps. Devastated. Depressed. Drowning.
Ugh. That blew.
That's not me! I love my birthday! It's the best day of the year! If I had my wish, it would be declared a national holiday. And it would last 3 weeks. Seriously.
Last year aside, I have tons of amazing birthday memories.
Some of my favorites are from when I was little. Like the time I turned 4 and my entire family -- grandparents, aunts, uncles, everybody -- went to Disney to celebrate and I met Goofy (see, I loved tall guys even back then). Or the time I turned 6 and my mom had a pizza party for me on the front lawn and invited every kid in a 5 block radius because we were new to the neighborhood. Or the time I turned 10 and had my first sleepover party where we giggled about boys, ET, and Cabbage Patch Kids well into the night.
This picture you see here is from 1982, the year I turned 9 (if you count the candles on my cheesecake, you'll see 10, that extra one is to grow on). I love this shot because I'm surrounded by the people who mean the most to me and I look really happy. Hopeful. Carefree.
Like a little girl should.
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know I have 3 birthday rules. So, with those in mind, here's 10 to-dos for today, one for each candle on that cake:
I will remember what it's like to be a kid, when everything seems possible.
I will not work.
I will eat cheesecake for breakfast.
I will read my horoscope and believe the good stuff.
I will wear my hair in a ponytail all day.
I will spend gobs of money on silly things.
I will ignore what I lack, and focus on all that I have.

I will paint my fingers and toes a happy color.
I will look forward to seeing and hearing from all the people I love.
I will chill out on my roofdeck and enjoy the day.
So, here's to turning 38! At least I'm not 40. That means I still have 2 more years to get my shit together before I hit my "scary age." And here's to each of YOU -- and to my trusty Amex card -- for helping me celebrate!
Now I think I'll close my eyes and make a really, really, really good wish...
tags: holidays
happy birthday!!!!!!!
Wow! What an adorable picture of little Jenny G. You still don't look a day over 9. Enjoy the day!
Awe, happy to see you happy again. Have an amazing day. :-)
I got in just under the wire, yeah! Happy happy happy birthday, Jen, may all your wishes come true.
Here's a little numerology for you. It's a good one! :):)
2011 will be a Number Six year for you. Ruled by Venus. This is a year of relative contentment. It is a time when love is the easiest to attract, and partnerships formed under this vibration have a better chance for longevity. You are able to attract others, and material things as well, this year. This is a good year for establishing harmony in the family and in the home. Advice - develop existing relationships, be positive and receptive because these kinds of energies help you to attract what you desire.
What color did you wind up using on your nails? I would like to know the color of happy so I canget some!!!!!
It seems to me that you already have your "shit together". Happy belated Birthday to a great person!
Aw, thanks everybody! So sweet.
Jess: Very nice. I could use a year of contentment!
Anon #3: I went with a gold OPI called Charge It. That seemed appropriate for the activities of the day. But it became too much to have fingers the color of C3PO, so a few days later I switched to another OPI shade, Russian Navy.
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