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Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts


Sixteen Candles

This lil blog here just turned Sweet Sixteen!

Sidenote: Do people even blog anymore? Maybe not. But I think if I keep doing it, eventually it will be popular again. 

Like scrunchies. 

And Sixteen Candles! Can you believe it's been FOURTY YEARS since we met Samantha Baker, Jake Ryan & Farmer Ted? 

It's only a matter of time before it shows up on TCM sandwiched between Gone with the Wind and DIal M for Murder.

This John Hughes classic may not exactly stand the test of time when seen through modern eyes (hello, Long Duck Dong), but whenever I watch it, I feel like a teenager again. Even though I was only 11 when it came out. It's full of first loves and heartbreaks, best friends and cool kids, triumphs and mess ups, all wrapped in a fluffy pink bow. 

Kinda like this blog.

So, as we've done in 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019, 2020 - 2022 and 2023, let's take a look back at the past year...

Total Posts I've Written (including this one):

Average Number of Posts I Write Per Month:
0.4 (DOWN from 0.7 last time -- poop)

Average Number of Unique Visitors Per Month:
466 (UP from 410 last time)

Average Pageviews Per Month:
2,059 (DOWN from 2,247 last year)

Most Traffic Comes From:
Still a tie between Google and Pinterest

Most-Read Blog Posts in the Past Year:
2024: Goodbye Friend

Most-Read Blog Posts Ever (in order of popularity):
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Pinterest (December 2012)
Which Christmas Cookie Are You? (December 2015)
A Gluten-Free Holiday Feast (December 2014)
Farewell, Crawleys (March 2016)
Grease Is the Word (January 2016)
Dear Stores that Close on Thanksgiving (November 2015)
Election Eve (November 2016)
Freedom (July 2016)
20 Apps I Adore (January 2012)
To Date or Not to Date (October 2008)

Post Nobody Gave a Crap About:
2024: #TeamUSA

Most Comments:
Ummm, nobody comments anymore... better luck next year!

Most Popular Poll:
2024: I didn't do any this year.
All-Time: Up in the Air 

Most Frequently-Used Tag for the Posts I Write:
Pop Culture

Most Popular Search by Visitors:

Lastly, My Favorite Posts I've Written in the Past Year:

So, there you have it.  A look back to remind myself -- and hopefully you -- that I really do love this blog.  I am still writing about TV shows when the mood strikes, but this one has a special place in my heart.

Thanks (as always) for reading!



Sorry, Swifies.

This post is not an anthem to freshmen year and first loves. It IS about the fact that this here lil blog turned 15 today!

Isn't she pretty? 

And much like when Tay Tay wrote Fifteen, I feel like I'm in my Fearless Era when I write here. Or at least I try to be.

I mean, does it seem a little silly for a 50 year old woman to keep what is essentially an online diary?

Sure. Maybe. Ok.

But I don't care. 

To celebrate this space that I created on a whim back in 2008, I'm currently in a sparkly ball gown, wearing winged eyeliner, and making hand hearts, just like Taylor. 

At least I am in my mind!

So, as we've done in 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019, and 2020 - 2022, let's take a look back at the past Era... I mean year.

Total Posts I've Written (including this one):

Average Number of Posts I Write Per Month:
0.7 (UP from 0.6 last time -- still bad, but a teensy bit better!)

Average Number of Unique Visitors Per Month:
410 (UP from 398 last time)

Average Pageviews Per Month:
2,247 (UP from 2,005 last year)

Most Traffic Comes From:
Still a tie between Google and Pinterest

Most-Read Blog Posts in the Past Year (Tie):
2023: Celebs Turning 50 and I'm a Barbie Girl

Most-Read Blog Posts Ever (in order of popularity):
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Pinterest (December 2012)
Which Christmas Cookie Are You? (December 2015)
A Gluten-Free Holiday Feast (December 2014)
Farewell, Crawleys (March 2016)
Grease Is the Word (January 2016)
Dear Stores that Close on Thanksgiving (November 2015)
Election Eve (November 2016)
Freedom (July 2016)
To Date or Not to Date (October 2008)
20 Apps I Adore (January 2012)

Post Nobody Gave a Crap About:

Most Comments:
Ummm, nobody comments anymore... better luck next year!

Most Popular Poll:
I didn't do any this year.  Poo.
Up in the Air (all-time)

Most Frequently-Used Tag for the Posts I Write:
It used to be Pop Culture
This year it was Holidays

Most Popular Search by Visitors:

Lastly, My Favorite Posts I've Written in the Past Year (Tie):

So, there you have it.  A look back to remind myself -- and hopefully you -- that I really do love this blog.  I am still writing about TV shows when the mood strikes, but this one has a special place in my heart.

Thanks (as always) for reading!



What do Amy Winehouse the singer, Katie Lee the chef, Nas the rapper, Robert Herjavec the millionaire from Shark Tank, and this blog have in common?

They were all born on September 14th, of course!

If my blog were my kid, she'd be a freshman (freshwoman? freshperson? I dunno.) in high school by now. 

Can you believe it?  Do you still read it?

Probably not, considering how infrequently I write it.  

But for the true fans (aka my blood relatives) that still do pop in periodically, I know I haven't done an anniversary post in a couple years.  

You know why.

Let's fix that today!  So, as we've done in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, let's take a look back at the past THREE years.

Total Posts I've Written (including this one):

Average Number of Posts I Write Per Month:
0.6 (DOWN from 0.7 last time -- must do better!)

Average Number of Unique Visitors Per Month:
398 (DOWN from 526 last time -- I blame the pandemic, and the fact that I never write anything new)

Average Pageviews Per Month:
2,005 (DOWN from 2,981 last year)

Most Traffic Comes From:
Tie between Google and Pinterest

Most-Read Blog Posts in the Past Three Years:
2020: Day 60
2022: Enough

Most-Read Blog Posts Ever (in order of popularity):
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Pinterest (December 2012)
Which Christmas Cookie Are You? (December 2015)
A Gluten-Free Holiday Feast (December 2014)
Farewell, Crawleys (March 2016)
Dear Stores that Close on Thanksgiving (November 2015)
Grease Is the Word (January 2016)
Election Eve (November 2016)
Freedom (July 2016)
To Date or Not to Date (October 2008)
20 Apps I Adore (January 2012)

Posts Nobody Gave a Crap About:
2020: My Corona
2021: Dear 2021
2022: Happy Birthday, George Jetson

Most Comments:
Ummm, nobody comments anymore... better luck next year!

Most Popular Poll:
I didn't do any this year.  Poo.
Up in the Air (all-time)

Most Frequently-Used Tag for the Posts I Write:
It used to be Pop Culture
Now it's Rants (a sign of the times?)

Most Popular Search by Visitors:

Lastly, My Favorite Posts I've Written in the Past Three Years (tie):
2022: The Last Time & Dear 1800-FLOWERS

So, there you have it.  A look back to remind myself -- and hopefully you -- that I really do love this blog.  I am still writing about TV shows when the mood strikes, but this one has a special place in my heart.

And finally, if the frosted chocolate cake above looks delicious to you, here's how you can make it

For me.

Thanks (as always) for reading!



Hi! Did I get your attention?

Unfortunately, this post is NOT about the iPhone 11. But it honestly should be because I got one in midnight green aaaaand it's awesome.

Also, if you stumbled in here thinking this is an appreciation post for Stranger Things and Millie Bobby Brown, I'm about to disappoint you.

This IS about my blog turning eleven years old today. 

If my blog were a kid, she'd be a 6th grader (shoutout Mrs. Tubbs!). Can you believe it?  It seems like just yesterday I started... 

I'm kidding.  

It seems like a REALLY freaking long time ago that I started writing this blog. But I've loved having this outlet for my random thoughts. And I'm glad a few people still read it!

As we've done in 20092010201120122013201420152016, 2017 and 2018 let's take a look back at the last year...

Total Posts I've Written (including this one):

Average Number of Posts I Write Per Month:
0.7 (UP from 0.5 last year -- still not great, but a tiny bit better!)

Average Number of Unique Visitors Per Month:
526 (UP from 478 last year)

Average Pageviews Per Month:
2,981 (about even with 2,967 last year)

Most Traffic Comes From:
Tie between Google and Pinterest

Most-Read Blog Posts This Year:
Most-Read Blog Posts Ever (in order of popularity):
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Pinterest (December 2012)
Which Christmas Cookie Are You? (December 2015)
A Gluten-Free Holiday Feast (December 2014)
Farewell, Crawleys (March 2016)
Dear Stores that Close on Thanksgiving (November 2015)
Grease Is the Word (January 2016)
Election Eve (November 2016)
Freedom (July 2016)
New View (September 2014)
20 Apps I Adore (January 2012)

Posts Nobody Gave a Crap About:
A Star Is Reborn
Dear DMV

Most Comments:
Beauty Products I Can't Live Without

Most Popular Poll:
I didn't do any this year.  Poo.
Up in the Air (all-time)

Most Frequently-Used Tag for the Posts I Write:
Pop Culture

Most Popular Search by Visitors:

Lastly, My Favorite Post I Wrote This Year (tie):
City of Angels
Eat Blog Love

Next on deck will be a recap of an event I helped produce in Brooklyn, the Loveseat Potato's annual review of Fall 2019 TV shows and I officially need glasses... 

Thanks (as always) for reading!



I started writing this blog in 2008, when I moved from my sleepy hometown of Pine Brook, NJ to the city that never sleeps.  

I lived in the Bronx for the first 6 years of my life and I've always worked in NYC, but living here was a very different story. After a bizarre work event at The Box (a LES burlesque club), I definitely had that swirly "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" vibe.

And a blog was born.

Now, with a click of my sparkly red shoes, it's 10! 

Some other cool things born in 2008 include:
-- 23 & Me DNA tests
-- The Tesla Roadster
-- Hulu

We're basically twins.

Ok, okaaaay.  On the surface, it seems like this silly blog doesn't have ANYTHING in common with these gamechangers.  But I disagree.

The thing I've always loved most about blogging, social media, and the internet in general is the sheer possibility of it all.  

Anyone can create anything.  Anyone can know anything.  Anyone can find anything.

Pretty mindblowing, right?

Thank God Al Gore invented it.

Anyway, as we've done in 20092010201120122013201420152016  and 2017, let's take a look back at the last year...

Total Posts I've Written (including this one):

Average Number of Posts I Write Per Month:
0.5 (down from 0.7 last year -- UGH... Must. Do. Better.)

Average Number of Unique Visitors Per Month:
478 (down from 619 last year -- double UGH)

Average Pageviews Per Month:
2,967 (down from 3,140 last year -- triple UGHHHH)

Most Traffic Comes From:
Tie between Google and Pinterest

Most-Read Blog Posts This Year:
Here's to Your Health
Refried Potatoes

Summer at the Seaport

Most-Read Blog Posts Ever (in order of popularity):
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Pinterest (December 2012)
Which Christmas Cookie Are You? (December 2015)
Farewell, Crawleys (March 2016)
A Gluten-Free Holiday Feast (December 2014)
Dear Stores that Close on Thanksgiving (November 2015)
Grease Is the Word (January 2016)
Election Eve (November 2016)
Freedom (July 2016)
New View (September 2014)
20 Apps I Adore (January 2012)

Post Nobody Gave a Crap About:
Say Cheese

Most Comments (tie):
Refried Potatoes

Most Popular Poll:
I didn't do any this year.  Poo.
Up in the Air (all-time)

Most Frequently-Used Tag for the Posts I Write:
Pop Culture

Most Popular Search by Visitors:

Lastly, My Favorite Post I Wrote This Year (tie):
The Essentials -- it was interesting to think about the things I can't live without
7 Lazy (Not Lame) Halloween Costumes -- I had fun putting the ideas together

Next on deck will be the Loveseat Potato's annual review of new Fall TV shows and I think I need glasses... 

Thanks (as always) for reading!