So if I’m being honest, I’d say if this recession is teaching us anything, it’s that we’re all poor. And we’re all to blame.
What does that mean?
It means, I don’t care if you make $50K or $50MM -- no matter how much we earn, we live like we earn more. From $5 cups of coffee, to $150 jeans, to $500 shoes, to $1500 handbags, to $50K cars, to $1MM McMansions, spending is OUT of control. Now we’re feeling the consequences. And because of crazy spending, most of us don’t have that fund, where 8 full months of our salary is just sitting, waiting for a rainy day.
I know I don’t have such a fund. But I DO know it’s raining!
In an environment where companies in every city, across every industry are freezing salaries, asking for voluntary pay cuts, and laying off perfectly good, hardworking people, the only thing any of us really knows for sure is that we really don’t know what will happen at work tomorrow.
I totally get there’s this outrage right now over AIG bonuses, on the heels of the outrage over automakers flying to their bailout hearings in private jets, on the heels of Citibank continuing to fund a baseball field, on the heels of many ill-advised corporate retreats and holiday parties. The list goes on. And on.
And the “Average Joe or Jane” gets angrier and angrier.
I agree, it is OUTRAGEOUS, and they say rich white guys are to blame. Maybe they are. But from Wall Street to Main Street, this is about greed, plain and simple. So it’s not only about the color of your shirt collar. It’s also about keeping up with the Joneses. And we all do it.
Want to know why?
Just turn on the TV. Excess is everywhere. Like any of us really needs a 24-carat gold bidet? (That’s gross.) Or an iPhone? (A newer/better model is always around the corner.) Or a Slanket? (It’s just plain weird.) No! But we buy these and about a million other unnecessary things because when you get right down to it, WE LIKE STUFF. Especially when it’s NEW stuff! Or at least, we used to.
As a both marketer and a consumer, I realize I’m part of the problem. I’d suspect many of us are asking ourselves, do we WANT an item, or do we NEED it? And let's face it...
Many of us are fortunate enough to say we want most things, we don't need them.
I think the brands that acknowledge this -- that embrace what’s going on with the economy (like Hyundai’s buy-back program if you lose your job, or Disney’s buy 4 get 3 free vacations, or even Old Navy’s $15 sundresses) will find that their relevance in this economic downturn won’t hurt their brands at all. It will instill trust. So that, as we consumers start earning money again, we can spend, spend, spend ‘till our fingers hurt!
Well, I didn’t say we would actually LEARN from this economic badness, I just said we were to BLAME. After all, we’re Americans.
We can only resist something shiny and new for so long.
So, what say you?
This is the smartest thing you've said in a while!
Thanks. That's the best backhanded compliment I've received in a while!
I think everyone should have a slanket....That is the investment that keeps on giving!!
I say you join Netflix! And I think you're pretty.
Reege: You're right, America needs a giant Slanket right now. Or maybe a Snuggie (they're cheaper).
Lizzay: Now THAT's how you give a compliment. Anonymous, take notes...
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