(If you are reading this aloud to friends, that's "twenty-ten" NOT "two-thousand and ten" or the dreaded "twenty-o-ten").
Yes, I’m 15 days late with my New Years greeting. Or maybe... I'm 30 days early! Chinese New Year begins on Feb 14, after all, and I hear it's the year of the tiger.
Roar. Or is it grrrr? Meow? I dunno.
Anyway, since we are at the dawn of a brand-new decade, I resolve to exercise more (no I don't). And eat healthier (nope -- couldn't even keep my 2009 resolution to eat more junk!). And blog more (well, TRY to blog more).
But you know who’s NOT a blogger slacker like me? My brother-in-law-to-be! He just started his own blog. And it’s the perfect antidote to the estrogen-fest happening here. Plus it gets updated MULTIPLE times per day.
I have blog envy.
Now, you may be wondering, how do I know if his blog, The Lighter Side of Sports, is right for me? If you answer “no” to the following questions, I think you’ll enjoy his Sports Center meets The Onion mash-up:
1) Do you like watching the commercials MORE than the actual Super Bowl?
If no, click here. If yes, do not click here.
2) Do you go to a baseball game JUST for the snacks?
If no, click here. If yes, do not click here.
3) When a body check happens on the ice, are you at the AIRPORT in winter?
If no, click here. If yes, you know the drill.
Unfortunately, I DO watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. I’m ALL about the baseball snacks. And I once got body checked in the Calgary airport (let’s just say it wasn’t pretty to be manhandled by a large woman named Shirley).
So I won’t be reading his blog. If anything funny happens, let me know.
(I kid!)
Seriously, check it out if you’re smart. But ONLY if you’re smart. I don’t need a bunch of dummies going over there telling Colin that Jenny sent them...
Any other blogs we should be reading? List them below!
Don't know any other Bloggers. But I like yours! And now, I like this one too! :)
Funny stuff on his blog. Nice to read something that actually gets updated. HINT HINT...
My sister blogs about her cat. But you hate cats. So... no.
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