As a kid, I never played teacher or school (though I did love my Little Professor). Nothing against it, really, just wasn't my thing.
I DO remember playing librarian. No joke, I would write dates inside all our books, check them out, and then charge fines when they were overdue.
Weird? Eh.
I also pretended to be an advertising executive and would act out commercials with my friends. I fancied myself an artist, and came thisclose to getting a beret. And I regularly dressed up like Wonder Woman, complete with tinfoil cuffs to deflect imaginary bullets.
So, imagine my surprise that I was recently asked to teach a marketing class!
Good thing I've been at this marketing thing for 17 years, or else I might be completely unprepared. My class runs for 6 weeks and it's all online, so each week I record a video of myself teaching it and students can play it on-demand.
It's like my lifelong dream -- Jenny TV.
In honor of my upcoming teaching gig, I thought I'd pay tribute to the 3 teachers who most influenced me:
1) Mrs. Tubbs
Elementary school English teacher in 4th and 6th grades
The best thing about her was: she brought humor into the classroom. She taught us how to diagram a sentence and she rocked a green poncho like nobody's business.
2) Mr. Williams
High school English teacher in 10th and 12th grades
The best thing about him was: he believed we could do anything. He taught us how to interpret the classics and he was a gentle giant sasquatch. Seriously, he was at least 6'5" and extremely hairy.
3) Ms. Wills
College Communications professor in sophomore, junior, and senior years
The best thing about her was: she had heart. She taught us not to fear public speaking and she got all emotional when she took us out to lunch before graduation (probably on her own dime) because we were the first kids she'd ever taught.
I hope I do them proud.
And while we're at it, might as well give honorary mention to Mr. Inguaggiato, my elementary school librarian. Never before or since has there been a guy more into the Dewey Decimal System or turquoise man-jewelry.
Did YOU have a favorite teacher? Give him (or her!) a shout-out below...
tags: work
You'd make a great teacher, librarian, or Wonder Woman. My favorite teacher was Miss Butler in the second grade.
Mr Tyler 7th grade spanish
Congrats on the teaching gig! My favorite teacher was Mrs. Pilcher who we called Mrs. P. She taught algebra and would give us candy when we solved the equations correctly. Food as reward is always accepted and appreciated :)
Mrs. Meyers
Mr. Morgan
Mr Medina
Miss Hannah
All my favorites!!!!!!!
Mykindergarten teacher Miss Rose
Mr. Perry sixth grade
How did you get asked to teach this class? Good luck with it!
I was too kool for skool.
Mrs. Atigian, who inspired me to become a teacher! I now teach science at an elementary school in Bala Cynwyd, P.A.
Mr. Weaver, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Porter, Mr. Pedersen and Ms. Percuoco
Mr. Greg Barsky, eighth grade English.
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