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Jessie's Girls

Rick Springfield was my very first concert. 

It was July 26, 1985 and I was just about to turn 12.  We went as a family, which also made it my 7 year old brother's first concert too.  

You're welcome.

I don't really remember what I wore, but I know my mom dressed him in a button down, khakis and loafers like he was going to an insurance convention.  

We piled into our gray Chrysler LeBarron on a sweaty summer day, and cruised on down Route 3 toward Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, NJ. This venue changed names a few times over the years, to Continental Airlines to Izod to Meadowlands, and now I think is closed, but it used to be a pretty happening place.  It was also the spot where I saw my first concert with my friends at age 15 (on a school night!).

It was Bon Jovi. Yes, I am the quintessential 80s Jersey Girl and had the hair to prove it.

Anyway, back to my first love, Rick, aka dreamy Dr. Noah Drake on GH. 

As a pre-bday treat, we had floor seats a few rows from the stage. I don't think I understood how special that was at the time, but I know now. I do remember the excitement in the air when the lights dimmed as 'Til Tuesday opened and sang their one-hit-wonder, Voices Carry. 

Hush, hush! You might say ol' Richard's a one-hit-wonder too, but you'd be wrong. Sure, Jessie's Girl was #1 on the charts and in my heart in August 1981 (which, incicentally, is also when MTV was born), but no doubt if you were alive and had ears in the 80s, you've heard most of these catchy ditties:

  • Jessie's Girl
  • Love Somebody
  • Love Is Alright Tonite
  • I've Done Everything for You
  • Don't Talk to Strangers
  • Don't Walk Away
  • Bop 'Til You Drop
  • I Get Excited

So, imagine MY excitement when I heard he was coming to Florida's Friendliest Hometown. Nearly 40 years later, my mom and I were able to come full circle and relive an awesome memory from a lifetime ago.

As a treat this go round, I came thisclose to buying an autographed guitar for a cool $1K just to get to go backstage and meet him. But alas, cooler heads prevailed (aka my mom) and I settled for a t-shirt and an autographed Working Class Dog CD (which I can't actually play bc I don't have a CD player anymore, but is still befitting this trip down memory lane).

And at 74 years old (whaaaat?), Rick put on a helluva show. 

Singing and strumming and dancing and prancing across the arm rests in the audience to the tune of Human Touch. Iconic. He belted out all the songs above (which he also wrote), plus a few more including a surprise rendition of 867-5309/Jenny -- which is NOT his song, but it is MY theme song.

It's like he knew I was there...

So here's to you, Rick Springfield, for letting us feel like teenagers again, making us all wish we were Jessie's Girl and teaching millions the meaning of the word "moot."

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