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Sixteen Candles

This lil blog here just turned Sweet Sixteen!

Sidenote: Do people even blog anymore? Maybe not. But I think if I keep doing it, eventually it will be popular again. 

Like scrunchies. 

And Sixteen Candles! Can you believe it's been FOURTY YEARS since we met Samantha Baker, Jake Ryan & Farmer Ted? 

It's only a matter of time before it shows up on TCM sandwiched between Gone with the Wind and DIal M for Murder.

This John Hughes classic may not exactly stand the test of time when seen through modern eyes (hello, Long Duck Dong), but whenever I watch it, I feel like a teenager again. Even though I was only 11 when it came out. It's full of first loves and heartbreaks, best friends and cool kids, triumphs and mess ups, all wrapped in a fluffy pink bow. 

Kinda like this blog.

So, as we've done in 20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019, 2020 - 2022 and 2023, let's take a look back at the past year...

Total Posts I've Written (including this one):

Average Number of Posts I Write Per Month:
0.4 (DOWN from 0.7 last time -- poop)

Average Number of Unique Visitors Per Month:
466 (UP from 410 last time)

Average Pageviews Per Month:
2,059 (DOWN from 2,247 last year)

Most Traffic Comes From:
Still a tie between Google and Pinterest

Most-Read Blog Posts in the Past Year:
2024: Goodbye Friend

Most-Read Blog Posts Ever (in order of popularity):
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Pinterest (December 2012)
Which Christmas Cookie Are You? (December 2015)
A Gluten-Free Holiday Feast (December 2014)
Farewell, Crawleys (March 2016)
Grease Is the Word (January 2016)
Dear Stores that Close on Thanksgiving (November 2015)
Election Eve (November 2016)
Freedom (July 2016)
20 Apps I Adore (January 2012)
To Date or Not to Date (October 2008)

Post Nobody Gave a Crap About:
2024: #TeamUSA

Most Comments:
Ummm, nobody comments anymore... better luck next year!

Most Popular Poll:
2024: I didn't do any this year.
All-Time: Up in the Air 

Most Frequently-Used Tag for the Posts I Write:
Pop Culture

Most Popular Search by Visitors:

Lastly, My Favorite Posts I've Written in the Past Year:

So, there you have it.  A look back to remind myself -- and hopefully you -- that I really do love this blog.  I am still writing about TV shows when the mood strikes, but this one has a special place in my heart.

Thanks (as always) for reading!

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